Best Acupuncture Treatment in Mississauga

26th, Sep 2023

Are you looking for the best acupuncture treatment in Mississauga? Your search ends here. Real Rehab is a leading and popular acupuncture clinic in Mississauga offering matchless & affordable services. Acupuncture is a drug-free magic touch by an acupuncturist, using specific physical therapy to boost your well-being and vitality. It involves strategic needle application for healing. In its beginnings around 2,000 years ago, patients used it as a form of treatment along with natural medicines. With modernity and the arrival of Western medicine, it has become part of the therapeutic complex of TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine ).

Unfortunately, most of us have little knowledge about acupuncture treatment. In this article, we will clear most of the doubts so that you can reap the benefits of this treatment.

acupuncture treatment in Mississauga

What does acupuncture treatment consist of?

Acupuncture treatment consists of inserting skinny needles into specific body regions, known here in the West as acupuncture points. The choice of acupuncture points to be stimulated will depend on the medical diagnosis prepared by the acupuncturist.

How is a medical diagnosis made for acupuncture?

Diagnosis follows the same principles as any other medical specialty, such as cardiology, endocrinology, etc. The acupuncturist will listen to the patient’s complaint and ask questions to investigate the condition further. Next, the expert will perform a physical examination and, if necessary, request laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. Based on the diagnosis, the expert will formalize a therapeutic plan.

How is the therapeutic plan in acupuncture carried out?

The therapeutic plan, drawn up after the diagnosis, will consist of sessions where acupuncture needles or other related resources will be applied: Moxibustion, electro-acupuncture, cupping therapy, etc. The frequency of acupuncture treatment sessions can be weekly, two or three times a week (depending on the diagnosis made by the acupuncturist and his experience for the best development of the treatment). As the treatment progresses, the acupuncturist will be able to redefine the frequency of sessions.

Does acupuncture treat all diseases?

Theoretically, acupuncture treatment in Mississauga can be carried out in any disease where surgical treatment is not needful. The treatment is only administered once the expert has assessed the patient. However, the patient should know the process’s indications, possibilities and limitations.

Is acupuncture treatment painful?

Inserting needles in acupuncture points will permanently activate a response that the patient can feel as a slight pain, a discreet shock, or tingling or itching. All of these sensations tend to be very short-lived, and it is not uncommon for patients not to remember where the needles are inserted during the session.

How does acupuncture regulate the body’s normal functions?

The insertion of needles by the acupuncturist in the appropriate points for treatment promotes, among others, the stimulation of the autonomic nervous system, thus balancing the action of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, responsible for functions such as digestion, breathing, heartbeat, metabolism, sleep and immune system. It is through this regulation that the bodily functions are normalized.

What is the mechanism of action of acupuncture in pain analgesia?

The analgesic effect of acupuncture treatment in Mississauga stimulates the peripheral and central nervous system by releasing Neuro-hormones such as beta-endorphins. Opioids are potent analgesics, but because they are released in physiological doses, they do not present the risk and side effects of Opioid-based medications.

Is acupuncture treatment costly?

The cost of the best acupuncture service in Mississauga can vary widely depending on several factors. Location plays a significant role. Additionally, the practitioner’s experience and qualifications can impact the cost, as more experienced acupuncturists may charge more. The number of sessions required for your condition also affects the overall expense. An average acupuncture session can range from C$50 to C$200 or more. Some insurance plans may cover acupuncture to varying degrees.

Placing the acupuncture needles

Around 90% of needles are placed at a depth of up to one or two centimetres into the skin, where the effect on the autonomic nervous system takes place. However, some needles can be placed deeper during acupuncture treatment. Regarding much more targeted acupuncture, the expert will insert the needle to a depth of 20 or 30 centimetres. Depending on the treatment, the individual lies on the stretcher with the needles operating for between 20 and 40 minutes. At the end, they leave, and the session ends.

Can pregnant women undergo acupuncture treatment?

Acupuncture treatment in Mississauga, due to its level of safety, can be applied to pregnant women with several benefits. The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture as the primary treatment for nausea and vomiting, which is expected in the first three months of pregnancy.

As the pregnancy progresses, pain in the lower back is standard due to uterine growth and detachment of the body’s balance point. Acupuncture treatment in Mississauga, with its analgesic effect, brings pain relief without risk to the fetus. Acupuncture can also be prescribed to aid gestational diabetes and pregnant hypertension.

Does acupuncture treat obesity?

Recent studies show that obesity results from several causes, such as predisposing genetic factors, hypothyroidism, pancreatic dysfunction in insulin secretion, and dietary errors. Therefore, there is no single treatment for obesity – no single formula. After a diagnosis, the acupuncturist will prescribe the most appropriate acupuncture treatment in Mississauga and indicate the need for changes in eating habits by referring a nutritionist or endocrinologist.

Is acupuncture treatment safe for children?

Yes, there’s no age restriction for acupuncture treatment in Mississauga. In newborns, after diagnosis, the acupuncturist may apply digital pressure or pressure with a tip made of a small sphere or even laser stimulation. Older children, who already have some understanding of the procedure to be performed, generally accept the use of needles well.

The indications for acupuncture treatment, whether in newborns or from early childhood to the end of adolescence, are varied and cover both organic diseases: atopic dermatitis, newborn reflux, intestinal colic, asthma, low immunity, and behavioural disorders: sleep disorders, anxiety, hyperactivity, isolation, etc.

Does acupuncture treat insomnia?

Sleep disorders are one of the leading causes of seeking medical treatment today, and, unfortunately, we have many people who sporadically or continuously use drugs that induce sleep. Sleep disorders can result from various causes, and for their correct treatment, the acupuncturist must diagnose whether the insomnia is primary or resulting from another disease. Primary insomnia must be differentiated from irregular sleeping habits. Considering all these factors, the expert will establish the appropriate acupuncture treatment in Mississauga.

Does acupuncture treat stress?

First, the acupuncturist must understand what his patient means by stress. Stress can either mean the pressures of daily life or an anxiety or depressive disorder. If stress means the pressures of everyday life, the acupuncturist will investigate these physical and psychological repercussions: sleep disorders, eating disorders, implications on blood pressure, the digestive system, sexuality, etc. The therapeutic plan may involve psychological restructuring besides acupuncture treatment in Mississauga.

The Best Acupuncture Clinic in Mississauga

Suppose you’ve made this so far, congratulations! Most of your doubts about acupuncture treatment are solved. However, you still may have some queries that remain in your mind. It’ll be ideal to visit the best acupuncture clinic in Mississauga and consult with a professional acupuncturist. He’ll be the right person to guide you.

Why Rely on Real Rehab for Acupuncture Treatment In Mississauga?

What sets our clinic apart from other acupuncture clinics in Mississauga?

  • We exclusively use cloth bedding on our treatment tables, while some clinics opt for paper.
  • After each patient visit, we thoroughly launder the bedding using our on-site laundry facilities.
  • Every patient receives treatment in a private room; we avoid curtains or dividers and limit one treatment table per room.
  • To enhance your relaxation during treatment, each room features soothing background music.
  • Our waiting room is designed to be bright, open, warm, relaxing, and modern to minimize stress before your appointment.
  • Distinguishing ourselves from other clinics, we have multiple registered massage therapists and acupuncturists with convenient office hours.
  • Additionally, unlike typical acupuncture clinics, we also provide chiropractic services, offering you a comprehensive treatment plan.

Next time you require effective acupuncture treatment in Mississauga, feel free to visit Real Rehab. Our other premium services include Physiotherapy and RNT Massage services. Give your health every reason to feel better. Our therapists are eagerly waiting to serve you in the most fruitful manner.