Common MVA injuries & the role of physiotherapy in Mississauga

15th, Feb 2023

Visiting MVA clinic in Mississauga is the ultimate option if you have an injury and want to get on your feet as fast as possible. Physiotherapists at Real Rehab go beyond expectation to get the job done. Back and neck pain, as well as trauma, loss of mobility & flexibility, & headaches, are common effects of MVA injuries.

Injuries involving the soft tissues can benefit greatly from physiotherapy since it helps to reduce swelling and inflammation. Physiotherapy can aid in rehabilitation and decrease the likelihood of problems by treating the underlying cause of the injury and encouraging repair. The MVA clinic in Mississauga works continuously to enhance a patient’s muscular strength, stability, and mobility.

Common motor vehicle accident injuries

Those who are unable to engage in their typical activities as a result of their disability may benefit greatly from the pain relief and increased mobility that physiotherapy provides. Motor vehicle accidents can result in a variety of injuries, ranging from minor to severe, which a leading MVA clinic can address easily. Some of the most common motor vehicle accident injuries include –


It is a common type of MVA injury. It happens when the head and neck are abruptly jerked forward and then backward. It causes strain and damage to the neck muscles and ligaments.

Head injuries

Traumatic brain injuries and skull fractures can occur in motor vehicle accidents, particularly in accidents involving high-speed collisions or rollovers. Concussion and dizziness are common effects.

Back and spinal injuries

These can range from sprains and strains to more serious injuries, such as herniated discs, spinal cord damage, and paralysis.


Fractures of the bones in the arms, legs, hands, and feet are common in motor vehicle accidents.

Internal injuries

Injuries to internal organs, such as the liver, spleen, and lungs, can occur in motor vehicle accidents and can be life-threatening if not promptly treated.

Psychological injuries

Emotional and psychological trauma, such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can result from the physical and emotional trauma of a motor vehicle accident.

What to expect from your first physiotherapy session for MVA

During your first physiotherapy session in MVA clinic in Mississauga for a motor vehicle accident injury, you can expect the following –


Your physiotherapist will begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your injury and its impact on your daily life, including your range of motion, strength, and function.


Based on the assessment, your physiotherapist will diagnose the injury and develop a customized treatment plan to address your specific needs.


Your first session may involve hands-on therapy, such as manual therapy techniques or soft tissue mobilization, to help relieve pain and improve mobility.


Your physiotherapist in MVA clinic in Mississauga may also educate you on proper posture, body mechanics, and exercises that can help to alleviate pain and promote healing.

Goal setting

Your physiotherapist will work with you to set realistic and achievable goals for your recovery and discuss a timeline for reaching those goals.

Home program

You may be given a home exercise program to help you continue your rehabilitation and achieve your goals between sessions.


It is important to be open & honest with your physiotherapist at Real Rehab about your symptoms and any limitations you are experiencing, as it will help them to tailor your treatment to your specific needs and ensure the best possible outcomes. It is important to seek prompt medical attention after a motor vehicle accident, even if you do not initially feel any symptoms, as some injuries may not become apparent until later.

Overall, physiotherapy can be an effective treatment option for MVA injuries, helping to relieve pain, promote healing, and improve overall function. Visit your nearest MVA clinic in Mississauga to get your condition assessed.