How Physiotherapy Is So Important After A Major Accident

28th, Feb 2024

Motor Vehicle Accident physiotherapy program focuses on helping patients regain mobility and strength in areas affected by the injury, reduce pain, and improve physical function. The best physiotherapy centre in Mississauga designs an individualized treatment plan for each patient that may include manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, massage techniques, therapeutic modalities, etc.

The goal of a professional physiotherapist in Mississauga in these cases is to assist the patient recover as quickly as possible and improve their quality of life. Additionally, the therapist can work on preventing long-term complications and provide recommendations to maintain health and avoid future injuries.

Benefits of going to a physiotherapy centre in Mississauga

Some of the main benefits include –

Pain reduction:

MVA physiotherapy helps reduce pain associated with injuries sustained in the traffic accident, through the application of manual therapy techniques, massage, and cryotherapy or heat therapy.

Restoration of mobility and function:

A professional physiotherapy centre in Mississauga can help restore mobility and function to areas of the body that have been injured in the accident. It may include specific exercises to improve flexibility, range of motion, muscle strength, and coordination.

Preventing long-term complications:

MVA physical therapy can also help prevent long-term complications, such as chronic pain, permanent disability, joint and muscle dysfunction, and reduced ability to perform daily activities.

Improved balance and stability:

Physical therapy can improve balance and stability, which can be especially helpful for patients who have suffered spinal or head injuries.

Accelerating the recovery process:

Physiotherapy in conjunction with body massage therapy in Mississauga helps speed up the recovery process, allowing patients to return to their daily activities more quickly.

Physiotherapy treatments for recovery

There’re various physiotherapy treatments employed by the finest physiotherapy centre in Mississauga that can be effective for recovery after a traffic accident. Some of the most common treatments include:

Therapeutic exercises:

These are specific exercises that are designed to improve flexibility, muscle strength, coordination, and mobility in the areas affected by the injury. Exercises may include stretching, light weight lifting, and other movements specific to the injury.

Manual therapy:

This type of therapy uses manual techniques to reduce pain and improve function. This may include massage, soft tissue manipulation, and stretching techniques.

Cold & Heat therapy:

Applying ice or cold compresses to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and pain. Applying heat to the affected area can help relax muscles and reduce pain.


This treatment uses controlled electrical currents to evenly stimulate muscles and reduce pain. This may include Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) or electrical muscle stimulation (EMS).

Aquatic exercise therapy:

Aquatic therapy involves performing therapeutic exercises in a pool. Water provides a low-resistance environment, which can reduce stress on joints and muscles.

Tips for recovery at home after a traffic accident

Recovering at home after a car accident can be a difficult process, but there are several things that can be done under the guidance of a physiotherapy centre in Mississauga to help speed recovery. It’s vital to follow all instructions from your physical therapist, including any prescribed medications, exercises, and therapies.

It is also important to get enough rest to allow the body to recover from the injury. If necessary, adjust your schedule to include more time for sleep and rest. Your physical therapist may recommend specific exercises that can be done at home to help improve mobility and muscle strength in areas affected by the injury. Do them.

Applying cold compresses or heat to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and pain. A healthy diet can help speed recovery and provide the body with the nutrients it needs to heal. It is important to stay active, as long as the limits established by the physical therapist are respected. Recovering at home after a car accident requires patience, diligence and care.

Massage therapy in MVA rehabilitation

Body massage therapy in Mississauga is effective in recovering from car accident injuries by promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension, and improving circulation. It also helps alleviate pain and stiffness associated with injuries, enhances flexibility, and accelerates the healing process.

The hands-on approach of body massage therapy in Mississauga can target specific areas of discomfort, releasing knots and promoting tissue repair. Additionally, it can alleviate stress and anxiety often associated with traumatic incidents, contributing to overall well-being.

How long will it take to recover after a car accident?

Recovery time after a car accident depends on several factors and can vary from person to person. It is important to be patient and follow the recommendations of the medical and physical therapy team to ensure a complete and effective recovery. However, it is crucial to attend all the sessions.

Have you been in a car accident? Does pain and discomfort resulting from a car accident injury causing you trouble? Look no further than our MVA physical therapy rehabilitation programs at Real Rehab. Call now and book your consultation at the finest physiotherapy centre in Mississauga.